Pazcard Food Wallet is better than Zaggle Meal Card

Pazcard is a premium, tax-efficient alternative to Zaggle Meal Card, with better benefits and zero hassle.

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businesses moved to Pazcard food wallet in the last 3 months.

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Why are people leaders switching from Zaggle Meal Card to Pazcard?

Comprehensive Benefits

Comprehensive benefits

Pazcard lets you offer multiple benefits like food wallet, fuel wallet, telecom wallet and much more.

Open Network

Open network

As employees get a physical card, they can use the wallet money even at non partner merchants

Powerful Dashboard

Powerful dashboard

From assigning benefits to tracking balances and invoices, manage everything in one place.

Curious how Pazcard compares to Zaggle Meal Card for your employees?

We’ve put together a clear, friendly guide- no fuss, only facts!

Features Pazcare Zaggle
For employers
🤝Integration with HRMS to pull employee data ✅ Yes ❌ No
🫶 Insurance offering as bundled Employee Benefits ✅ Yes ❌ No
💰Instant wallet upload ✅ Yes ✅ Yes
🧾 Product can be used for Allowances and Reimbursements ✅ Yes ✅ Yes
💸 Financial benefits provided to employees over and above Flexi benefits ✅ Yes ❌ No
For employees
📱 Digital KYC ✅ Yes ❌ No
✨ Easy on-boarding process ✅ Yes ✅ Yes
🤑 Open Network - Employee can use cards at non partner merchants ✅ Yes ✅ Yes
⚡ Pure MCC based transaction approval
✅ Yes ✅ Yes
📲 One App for Insurance, Healthcare and Flexi benefits ✅ Yes ❌ No

Let us help you offer better benefits with Pazcard

Talk to us

Umang Mehta

Senior Operations Manager, Genea

When we wanted to give more employee benefits, Pazcard was the answer to our needs.

Their competitive pricing and diverse benefits - from food, fuel, telecom, to gifts wallets elevated our employee perks. What sealed the deal was their flexible, supportive team. Now we’re offering more and better, without breaking the bank.

Still on the fence?
Dive into this for more clarity!

Can Pazcard actually replace Zaggle Meal Card for employee benefits?

Yes, of course. Pazcare helped over 1000+ companies in India provide employee benefits to their employees. So there’s no one else who understands employees like we do. No more doubts!

Tell me more

But my employees like using Zaggle Meal Card

Your employees don't like convenience? No more limitations of Zaggle meal card. With Pazcard, you’re free to use it at any merchant store or for online purchases. Effortless spending? Yes, please!

Pacard App

Is it hard to manage the employee benefits?

Not at all. You get a user-friendly dashboard to manage employee benefits with ease. Monitor their usage, spot trends, and tweak for optimal enjoyment. Because managing benefits shouldn’t feel like rocket science.

Learn more about Pazcard
Pazcard Dashboard

I am ready to make the switch! What do I do now?

Switching to Pazcard takes less than a day. All you have to do is schedule a call with us. We’ll take it from there.


🤙 Start with a call with our Pazcard experts.


😃 Seal the deal - It’s a simple “yes” from you


🖥️ Relax, while we get your custom dashboard ready


💰 Top-up your account - fuel your benefits journey


🤑 Employee time - they complete KYC and start enjoying Pazcard perks

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😍 0% convenience charges* on immediate sign-ups!

*Valid only for 1 week.

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