Sabbatical leave policy

Sabbatical Leave Policy in India with Sample Template

Ever explored 'Sabbatical Leave'? An empowering break, allowing employees to recharge or upskill, all while keeping their position ✨. This trend is booming 💥in India! Curious about its duration or if it's paid? As a bonus 🌟, grab our free sabbatical leave policy template!

What is a sabbatical leave?

Sabbatical leave 🌍✈️📚 is not just a break, but a golden ticket for employees to step away and immerse themselves in personal or professional adventures! 

Derived from 'sabbath', a sabbatical signifies meaningful rest. It's not just a vacation; it's a journey of transformation!"

Whether the employees are jet-setting around the globe, diving into deep research, lending a hand to a cause, or simply hitting the pause button, a sabbatical can range from a few weeks to an entire year.

What is the period of a sabbatical leave?

Sabbatical leave durations vary by organization. Universities might grant six months to a year, sometimes termed a "sabbatical year." For instance, Amazon offers up to 3 months of sabbatical leave to its employees.

In the corporate world, it's often based on tenure. While typically ranging from three months to a year, the exact duration is determined by the company's policy, the employee's role, and sometimes specific circumstances, allowing for flexibility in length.

Is sabbatical leave paid?

Usually, the sabbatical leaves are paid in most organizations. Full salary or a part of the salary may be paid to the employees depending upon the sabbatical leave policy of the organization. 

Often at times, we can also see unpaid sabbatical leave being offered to the employees. 

As mentioned above, the sabbatical leave being paid or unpaid fully depends on the company policy.

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Sabbatical leave in India

As workplaces evolve, India is witnessing an uptick in sabbatical leave policies. This progressive move allows employees an extended work hiatus to chase personal or professional dreams while securing their job role and benefits.

However, no legal mandate exists in India for sabbatical provisions. Yet, forward-thinking organizations are embracing this trend. They see it as a tool to enhance talent retention, elevate employee morale, and foster personal and professional enrichment.

For instance, Infosys Technologies grants employees the option of a year-long sabbatical after serving the company for a few years.

For a smooth sabbatical process, organizations in India should craft crystal-clear guidelines, encompassing leave eligibility, duration, approval methods, and post-return expectations. Transition plans and skill refreshers upon return can ensure seamless reintegration.

Sabbatical leave policy - The purpose

At [Company name], we understand the importance of a balanced life. Our Sabbatical Program is designed to give dedicated employees the time they need to recharge and return with a heightened commitment to our shared goals.

Scope & eligibility of the sabbatical leave policy

  • The policy is applicable to regular employees based in India.
  • The Employees are only eligible after five continuous years of employment with the company.
  • The employees are not eligible for a sabbatical leave if the employment is terminated if the sabbatical isn’t utilized within 24 months of eligibility, or if the program is discontinued.

Remember, the sabbatical leave is to ensure the employees enjoy extended time off in addition to any other time off provided by the company. Therefore, cash-outs in lieu of taking the leave are not offered. 


This is a general guide, not a legal document, and may not cover all laws under the Indian Labour law. Neither the writer nor Pazcare will be liable for any legal consequences arising from its use. Consult with a legal professional to ensure compliance and adapt this guide to your business needs.

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