Company car policy

Company Car Policy for Employees in India - Company Car Usage & Regulations

Dive into our user-friendly customizable template that clearly outlines guidelines for using company-owned vehicles. Whether for work or a personal errand, see the eligibility to take the wheel 🚗

What is a company car policy?

In general, a company car policy sets user guidelines for cars that are owned or leased by the company for its employees. This usage of the car can be both for work and running any other personal errands.

So, a company car policy ensures the transportation needs of their employees. Here in this policy, we address guidelines set for all company-owned cars/other vehicles.

When you see a vehicle sporting the company logo, that's a company-owned car, purchased specifically for the employees. From official meetings to personal escapades, employees can use it with the necessary approvals. For some employees, this privilege comes as part of their job perks. 

How can this company car policy help you?

Having clearly set guidelines through company car policy can be beneficial in ways such as

👉For Employees: This policy clearly outlines what's expected of you when using a company-owned car. Drive with knowledge, knowing your role and responsibilities.

👉Company's Role: Not just about handing over the keys! This document guides the company on its duties and obligations concerning the car policy.

👉Action-Oriented: Especially handy for our Finance and HR teams, it provides a framework for informed decisions and actions.

Purpose of a company car policy

Our company car policy sets forth the guidelines for the use of company vehicles. A "company car" refers to any vehicle procured by the company and allocated to employees to meet their job-related transportation requirements. 

As these vehicles are the property of the company, it is imperative that they are utilized in a responsible and appropriate manner. We encourage all employees with access to company vehicles to familiarize themselves with the policy to ensure compliance and proper usage.

Purpose of a company car

The motor vehicles of the Company are procured for traveling and transportation needs associated with the Company's operations. These vehicles are the exclusive property of the Company and should not be perceived as an employee's personal property. Their usage must strictly adhere to the rules and regulations set forth by (state) as well as any other Company-applicable laws.

Scope of the company car policy

Employment Contract: All employees under the official employment agreement with [company] are eligible to be considered for a company car.

Position Criteria: Employees at the [Designation/Level/Grade] or above are eligible for the company car privilege.

License Requirement: Employees must hold a valid driver’s license for a minimum of [Years].

Usage Criteria: Eligibility is extended to those who:

  • Drive more than [Number of miles] monthly for official tasks.
  • Have roles predominantly requiring vehicular travel, such as drivers.
  • Are entitled to company cars as part of their job benefits or perks.
  • Hold a position of [designation/grade] or above.

Driving Record: Employees are expected to maintain a pristine driving record, having no fault in car accidents or any violations of car and traffic laws for at least [x] years.

Inclusivity in company car policy guidelines

Supporting Employees with Disabilities:

  • Employees with disabilities are equally eligible for company cars, consistent with our commitment to inclusivity and equal opportunity.
  • Dedicated parking spaces are available to ensure ease of access for employees with disabilities.
  • Our organization is committed to facilitating the use of company vehicles for employees with disabilities. To this end, we are open to making necessary modifications and accommodations to the vehicles, based on individual needs.

Safety Considerations:

  • Employees on medication that significantly impairs their orientation, vision, or reflexes are advised not to drive. For the safety of all, such individuals may not be permitted to operate a company car.

At [company], we place a high emphasis on both inclusivity and safety. It's essential for employees to understand these guidelines and ensure their well-being and the safety of others. If there are any queries or concerns related to the policy or its implications, kindly reach out to HR for further clarification.

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Usage and compliance of company car

Non-Work Related Use: Company cars can be used for personal purposes or outside working hours. However, this requires:

  • Strict adherence to [company’s] rules and guidelines.
  • Prior approval from the respective managers.

Company’s Discretion: While the above criteria provide a framework, [company] retains the ultimate discretion in the allocation of company cars. Employees who believe they qualify but haven't received a vehicle should reach out to HR for clarification.

Reassignment and Revocation: [Company name] reserves the right to reassign or withdraw the provision of a company car based on its discretion.

Employees are advised to remain informed and ensure they meet the aforementioned guidelines. Proper adherence ensures a smooth and beneficial experience for both the individual and the organization.

Employee guidelines for company car usage

As privileged recipients of a company car, eligible employees are expected to adhere to the following guidelines to ensure safety, accountability, and proper maintenance:

Safety First:

  • Adhere to all traffic laws.
  • Commit to driving sober, avoiding alcohol or drugs that impair judgment.
  • Refrain from driving when unwell or facing physical challenges.
  • In case of driver's license suspension or revocation, promptly notify HR.

Expense Management:

  • Diligently document all driving-related expenses monthly.
  • Be responsible for routine running costs, including fuel, oil, cleaning, parking, etc.

Maintenance & Reporting:

  • Keep the company car in pristine condition.
  • Log all trips detailing dates, locations, odometer readings, passengers' names, and any maintenance activities (like oil changes).
  • Immediately report to HR any damage, issues, or concerns with the vehicle.
  • Ensure the auto insurance policy remains current and always carry proof of coverage.

Accidents & Emergencies:

  • If involved in an accident, avoid making any commitment or guaranteeing payments without explicit company authorization.
  • In emergency scenarios, reach out to HR for assistance, especially concerning overnight accommodations.

Etiquette & Care:

  • Refrain from smoking inside the company car.
  • Never leave the vehicle unlocked or unattended.
  • Treat the company car as an entrusted asset – do not lease, sell, or lend it out.
  • Avoid allowing unauthorized individuals to drive or ride in the company car, unless it's an emergency or pre-approved by the company.

By adhering to these guidelines, employees contribute to a culture of safety, respect, and responsibility. For any queries or further clarity, HR is always available for guidance.

Accident protocol for company cars

In the unfortunate event that an employee is involved in an accident while using a company car, the following steps should be taken:

Immediate Notification: Contact the HR department without delay. This allows us to liaise with our insurance provider and offer any necessary support.

Avoid Assumptions: It's crucial not to accept responsibility or commit to any form of payment to other involved parties without direct authorization from the company.

Legal Compliance: 

  • Exchange relevant information with the other involved drivers as mandated by law.
  • In the event of severe accidents, it's essential to call the local police and ensure an official report is filed.

Safety and clear communication are paramount. Always prioritize your wellbeing and then follow the above guidelines to ensure a systematic and supportive response to any accidents.

Maintenance, Licenses & Authorizations of company cars

A. Maintenance Responsibilities

  • Every driver is entrusted with the care of the company vehicle and must:
  • Consistently monitor and ensure the vehicle is in peak working condition, focusing on the engine, tires, gears, and other vital components.
  • Proactively set and adhere to regular maintenance checks to prevent unforeseen issues.
  • Uphold the company's image by maintaining the vehicle's cleanliness, both inside and out.

Note: The Company will perform weekly inspections via a designated officer. This review will include an assessment of the vehicle's logbooks and all related fuel receipts.

B. Licenses and Authorizations

  • Every company vehicle should strictly adhere to state regulations, ensuring safety and adherence to legal standards.
  • It's paramount to renew vehicle registrations and insurance policies timely. Keeping these documents updated helps avoid legal complications and guarantees the uninterrupted use of the vehicle.

Disciplinary consequences for violating company car policy

Employees are expected to strictly adhere to the company car policy. Any violations will be met with disciplinary consequences, structured as follows:

1. Reprimands:

  • Employees will be issued either verbal or written warnings for minor violations such as receiving multiple fines or permitting unauthorized individuals to operate the company car.

2. Loss of Car Privileges:

  • Continuous minor offenses might lead to revocation of the company car privileges. This means the employee will no longer have the right to use the company vehicle, even if previously entitled.

3. Suspension, Demotion, and Reassignment:

  • More grave offenses, like leasing the company car for personal profit, can lead to suspension or even demotion. In some cases, an employee may be reassigned to a different position that doesn't entail company car privileges.

4. Termination and Legal Actions:

  • Extreme violations, such as causing an accident under intoxication, can result in immediate termination of employment. The company also retains the right to initiate legal proceedings against the employee if deemed necessary.

Our aim is to ensure the safe and responsible use of company vehicles. It's essential for employees to be aware of these disciplinary measures and consistently adhere to the policy guidelines.


This is a general guide, not a legal document, and may not cover all laws under the Indian Labour law. Neither the writer nor Pazcare will be liable for any legal consequences arising from its use. Consult with a legal professional to ensure compliance and adapt this guide to your business needs.

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